Burleigh Pools: Reasons to Build a Pool at Home

If the aesthetic appeal of a vivid blue shimmering pool in your backyard or rooftop is not enough to make you give a tinkle to Burleigh Pools on Gold Coast, then here are 5 absolutely stunning benefits of building a swimming pool at your home. 


1. Vacay at Home

One does not have to travel across the world to get the feel of a beach when they have a swimming pool at their home. All they need to do is get their favourite drink, blast the stereo and lounge in the sun by the pool. If they want to turn it into a party, then, all they have to do is call their friends and fire up that barbeque for a good ol’ Aussie party. Suns out, buns out, right? But with protection, so one must slather on that sunscreen before getting that glorious summertime glow. 


2. Cardio at Home

Let’s be honest, gymming can get boring after a while, so why not change it up? Swimming requires one to employ all their major muscle groups, which make it quite a full-body exercise. It is great cardio, which races the heart rate up. And, the unique thing about swimming is that it does not stress out the joints like a lot of gym workouts do. One may choose to increase the number of calories they burn during swimming by doing different variations of strokes that include –


A gentle swim can burn over 200 calories in just half an hour, more than double that of walking. So, one can probably guess what a vigorous one would do to their body. 


3. Makes Your Heart Stronger

We can’t guarantee that one’s heart will not break if they swim daily, but it is most likely to keep their blood pressure and blood sugar in check as suggested by quite a few numbers of studies. The heart is a muscular organ, and the more you make it work, the stronger it gets. Apart from that, the lungs also get a thorough workout as one has to make optimum use of it to stay afloat in the water. 


4. Hygiene

We all know, half the water in public pools comes from people’s bladders. Okay, that might have been a bit of an exaggeration, but we promise that we are close. And, believe us when we say that is not the only gunk that ends up in the blue chlorine rich waters. Studies have shown that public pools are a bowl of diseases, and yes, a surprisingly high mass of faecal matter. An individual is at risk of developing asthma from the vicious chlorine scent, Legionnaires ‘disease when the water vapour carries a certain strain of bacterium into the lungs of the swimmer, athlete’s foot, swimmer’s ear and even cancer. It does make one’s skin squirm and rightly so. So, if someone is a fan of swimming regularly, we recommend you to get a pool built within your property because we all know health is wealth.  


5. Makes You Happy and Stress-Free

Exercise release endorphins in our body, which is a potent mood enhancer. A 12-week study conducted on dementia patients showed a significant improvement in their mood. Swimming requires a person to focus, balance and coordinate their muscle movements all at the same time, which is quite a lot for your brain to process. This is exactly why one gets distracted from negative or disturbing thoughts while they take a swim making it a great stress reliever.

What more? With builder Burleigh Pools on Facebook, one can expect a quality pool at a reasonable price at their very home in just a short period of time. So, what are you waiting for? Go check their gallery for some inspiration and ideas for your very own swimming pool.


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